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North Carolina    

Winston-Salem, NC

Location: Intersection of Robinhood and Peacehaven Roads, Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Total Square Feet: 125,000

Daily Traffic: 36,300 cars

Trade Area Population: 129,050 (5 miles)

Average Income: $104,956 (1 mile)

1 Verizon
2. Quick Drop
3. Fantastic Sam’s
4. Frame It
5. H&R Block
6. T.J. Maxx
7. Beef O’Brady’s Sports Pub
8. Hobbytown, USA
9. Ciccione’s Pizza
10. BiziKids
11a. American Nails
11b. Available – 1,000 sq. ft.
12. Boone Fabrics
13. Available
14. Lowes Foods
15. K&S Newsstand
16. Rosie’s Hallmark
17. Ivy Arch Gifts
18. Lexington State Bank
19. Biscutville
20 River Birch Lodge


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  CGI Companies 637 Washington Street, Suite 200 Brookline, MA 02446-4579 Tel:617-734-1900 Fax: 617-232-2729